Disciples Cross

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Judged By The Cover.

While attending a spirit filled conference in Kansas City I was first awe-inspired by the shier volume of people. We were seated in a convention center with a capacity of over 11 thousand; it was over capacity and overflow rooms were opened to accommodate. All these people were worshiping and seeking God.

Myself and five others left to eat and came back an hour later to something dreadful. It was a large room full of about 1500 people and 8000 items, clutter on seats. Claims and reservations. Absolutely shocked by the absent ministry leaders and seekers replaced by papers, gloves, bibles, and homemade laminates. I felt offended, then compassion. A good 90 total and 100% of the closest seats were reserved, with no on there. It told me they thought they deserved the spot more than the disciplined who show early. Then I felt compassion for them; as they are trying to run a selfless ministry with self-deserving hearts and they had not been convicted.

Today I have a simple challenge; what I have written is an observation of 11000 leaders in churches throughout the nation. What message are we putting out? What message are you putting out? Take some time and ask God to search you and convict you, we need to be light and salt.
God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes. We are called to be salt.
Matthew 5:13
"You are the salt and light of the earth."
Ask God to turn ourselves as "preservatives" that will prevent the rapid moral decay of the world.
Pray to God that we may be "flavors" that will add life and color to this ever groaning planet.