I wrote this message a little while ago but thought it needed to be posted as a kickoff post....
Today I received something rather refreshing. As a waiter I get to plant seeds in the lives of those I serve. It is rare a seed is sown in me by one whom I serve at work. The seed came in the form of an article from the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle; Torah Portion. The name of this man handing me an article unfortunately has not stuck in my mind, however I may refer to him as Mr. egg beaters, fruit and dry wheat toast.
If I were a completely oblivious and pompous-holier than thou type Christian I would have disregarded this article at its' origin. What "Christian" wants to read Jewish expository? This Christian! Why wouldn't I! Unfortunately there is a severe lack of maturity and wisdom in a vast majority of "Christians" today, (an observation of fruits, not a judgment.) Christians should develop a hunger for Gods word, as well as effective understanding of other religions, for the purpose of effective ministry and proper representation of God. The Jewish religion concentrates on the Law of God, thus I want the understanding and convictions contained in Gods law. We are told in Romans that knowledge of God's Law is knowledge of sin. How can one stop sinning if they are not convicted.
The article began with a quote from President John Kennedy, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." The article concentrated on the life of Abraham; most importantly, his obedience to God even when told to sacrifice His only son Isaac. Abraham's obedience to God is a model to all people of all faiths. I am reminded of the Abrahamic Covenant and its terms and context. When a covenant was made in those times, an animal was to be slaughtered, cut in half and each member of the covenant was to walk through the middle of the sacrifice stating loyalty to the covenant. "If I don't hold up my end of the covenant, you may do to me as we did to this animal." One thing making the Abrahamic Covenant special is God did not allow Abraham to go through the sacrifice. God shows His abundant grace and mercy by stating He will hold up his end whether Abraham is faithful to his end or not. God was determined to bless Abraham.
Why does this four thousand year old covenant matter to Christians today? It is the fulfillment of this covenant which blesses us with salvation. There is a reason why St. Matthew began his gospel with the lineage of Christ. He was showing us how Jesus Christ is a descendant of Abraham. Abraham was told in the covenant the nations would be blessed through him. Jesus, being a super-great grandson of Abraham harnesses blessings available to all, Jew and Gentile.
Ultimately this article's aim made me want to ask this convicting question, "Do we believe in God like a child believes in Santa Claus, or do we believe for His Sacrifice and Greatness." Being able to have a personal relationship with God of the universe is honor and reward enough to die to ourselves and give it all to him. We should be reminded, we are all covered in sin and don't deserve grace, let alone any other blessings given. We need to get out of our self absolved mindsets, realize our sin and thank God with all we have, we don't deserve what we have, we don't deserve more and if we have less we should bless Him still. Remember Job? We need to press on to glorify God. God doesn't exist to bless us, we exist to bring Him glory and honor.
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