Disciples Cross

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

His Promises Are True.

Months ago I started this blog because God was pressing me hard to use the gifts given to me. I had been spending much time seeking a position in a church as a pastor of any kind. It did not matter to me what I got, as long as I could be used... What type of a philosophy was that. What was the motive, the reason, the driving force?
I found myself near two months ago on my face bawling hysterically being both broken and persistent. You see time was running out; my wifes due date was coming up, soon she would be on maternity leave and the finances would not add up. I remembered a promise God made to me, He said "I will prepare a way for you using the gift I have given you." I was crying out loudly... "I am not going anywhere, it's time to show up." The music pastor continued to play and sing prophetically over me for nearly an hour as I was the only one in the sanctuary. Soon my wife came and cried with me a little, some more time passed and she again came to uphold me in prayer. She told me she was worried about me, she had never seen me like this before.
Just days after this, perhaps a week; I was speaking with my wife, an old idea became reality. Nearly a year prior we went to a prayer and worship conference with four others. The place was packed with over ten-thousand worshipers. The Holy Spirit pressed on us a possible call into prayer and worship. It seemed we were full of zeal and encouraged by the conference. We were going to begin to take the steps necessary to start a full time prayer house. We hadn't gotten very far, after a week passed business of life and hyper-obligation in other ministries seemed to squelch the idea all together. This very idea resurfaced in our conversation and we immediately had unity in the clarity of God's call. Within the next day I fell into a position as pastor of a ministry in it's infancy. Notice this was not something I applied for: I fell into it. In telling some friends about our intents in pursuing this ministry they let us know they too had been trying to set up a similar ministry and needed a pastor. So there I was falling into a position with a staff of ten already, Praise God.
A week later I got a phone call while my wife was at work... I answered the phone, "hey hun..."
"Umm... is this Anthony?" the voice did not sound like my wife.
"Well you called me, but yes it is. Who is this."
"This is Monica one of Aprils EA's.... Yeah her water just broke."
"I suppose I better go pick her up then." and yes I was that cool on the phone.
"Yeah that would probably be a good idea."

Nerves struck me but I knew I had to keep my cool, I was more excited than anything, but it was completely unexpected. Yes I knew my wife was pregnant, she was getting really big, but there was still a month left to the due date and April had been experiencing no signs of labor. Eighteen hours later baby Selah Gracie-Lou was born cone-headed and all. She was the most beautiful yet petrifying thing I had ever seen. I spent the first week in operation daddy, writing a blog was the last thing on my mind. Then I had to begin the movement of the ministry. The team was in disunity and guess who got to work that out with God. Finally the day has come... Selah has turned six weeks old today and there is unity and a bond of love in the leadership of this ministry. I have created a website for the ministry www.hishow.org Please check it out, I designed the page myself.

Don't ever forget, God's promises are always true.
I will be back.